sábado, 18 de agosto de 2012


New post on EL NUEVO ORDEN MUNDIAL DE YAHWEH// blog del Apologista, Ingº Mario A. Olcese Sanguineti APO.21:5, JOB 34:13


by apologista
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Higher education wastes valuable youth years so become a window cleaner

Yes that’s right. Higher education wastes valuable youth years. No no, I’m not joking, it really does. The Watchtower Society says so right there in their April 15th 2008 Watchtower article. And when they say something like “Higher Education Wastes Valuable Youth Years”, we have to listen to them because they said the following themselves, “It should be expected that the Lord would have a means of communicating to his people on the earth, and he has clearly shown that the magazine called The Watchtower is used for that purpose.” 1939 Yearbook Of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Page 85.

I am so happy that we’re on the same page. Now you know that we have to take everything the Watchtower magazine says as gospel. Therefore, when it says ”Higher Education Wastes Valuable Youth Years” in the ‘Repudiate Valueless Things’ article, we accept that this organisation knows best.

Here’s what Jehovah’s visible organisation here on Earth has to say:

Paragraph 9 – Another example of something useful that can become a valueless thing is secular education. We want our children to be well-educated so that they can make their way in life. Even more important, a well-educated Christian is better able to read the Bible with understanding, reason on problems and come to sound conclusions, and teach Bible truths in a clear and persuasive way. Getting a good education takes time, but it is time well spent.

If you facepalmed when you read “Another example of something useful that can become a valueless thing is secular education”, then shame on you!

Paragraph 10 – What, though, of higher education, received in a college or a university? This is widely viewed as vital to success. Yet, many who pursue such education end up with their minds filled with harmful propaganda. Such education wastes valuable youthful years that could best be used in Jehovah’s service. (Eccl. 12:1) Perhaps it is not surprising that in lands where many have received such an education, belief in God is at an all-time low. Rather than looking to the advanced educational systems of this world for security, a Christian trusts in Jehovah.

Before getting into this paragraph, I wanted to know if you had read yesterdays article “How could I have not realised it was a cult?” You see, in that blog post, I sort of go off into one due to the propaganda that’s written in that Watchtower article. I don’t need to do the same in this article because the Watchtower Society is kind enough to tell us that “many who pursue such education end up with their minds filled with harmful propaganda.” 

It turns out that Jehovah provided us with two amazing educational feats. The first was the Two Witness Rule, which is so helpful in stopping godly Jehovah’s Witnesses from molesting our innocent children and the second is that the grand creator of our universe has got our back where education is concerned.

So when we read ”Higher Education Wastes Valuable Youth Years,” how do we react? Do we facepalm or do we praise Jehovah for his insight? If you’re still a Jehovah’s Witness and you’re reading this, surely you get what the Watchtower Society is trying to say when it adds “Such education wastes valuable youthful years that could best be used in Jehovah’s service.”

It’s so fitting that the Organisation would use Ecclesiastes chapter 12 and verse 1 when talking about higher education. The scripture says “Remember, now, your Grand Creator in the days of your young manhood, before the calamitous days proceed to come, or the years have arrived when you will say: “I have no delight in them”.” It’s obvious that Jehovah was using his forward thinking skills when instructing his people. Little did they know, but he was in fact telling them that “Higher Education Wastes Valuable Youth Years.”

Okay, I can’t keep this up (just for the record, I’ve only ever said that once to a woman).

“Perhaps it is not surprising that in lands where many have received such an education, belief in God is at an all-time low.” No, really? Could it be that when one learns Critical Thinking, they wake up to the fact that you’re a cult? I too wasn’t allowed to go onto higher education and was personally discouraged from studying because Armageddon was – as film trailers like to always say – “Coming Soon“. Thank God that I got into higher education later on in life. Do you think it’s a coincidence that after I started my studies, I soon realised that the Jehovah’s Witnesses were a cult? I too was taught ‘Critical Thinking‘. Critical thinking clarifies goals, examines assumptions, discerns hidden values, evaluates evidence, accomplishes actions, and assesses conclusions.

And finally, “Rather than looking to the advanced educational systems of this world for security, a Christian trusts in Jehovah,” and becomes a window cleaner.

apologista | agosto 18, 2012 at 4:23 pm | Etiquetas: education, higher, time, waste, watchtower | URL:

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