martes, 30 de abril de 2019
domingo, 28 de abril de 2019
viernes, 26 de abril de 2019
martes, 23 de abril de 2019
viernes, 19 de abril de 2019
jueves, 18 de abril de 2019
miércoles, 17 de abril de 2019
martes, 16 de abril de 2019
Estructura de Tarifas del Autotransporte de Carga
Reserve su lugar con tiempo, aproveche el descuento de pronto pago. 19 - Junio - Guadalajara, Jal. Obtenga Extraordinarios Beneficios Como: * Detalle y perfeccione su matriz de estructura de costos calculando adecuadamente el costo real de su operación, tomando en cuenta cada uno de los factores que lo impacta. Recibe demasiadas invitaciones?, Si solo desea recibir nuestro |
informaciones sobre emailmarketing
Mi nombre es Fabián Torre y soy técnico en EmailMarketing.
Me agradaria saber si les interesa recibir informaciones sobre
productos y servicios de EmailMarketing, y a que email puedo enviarlas.
Muchas gracias
Whatsapp: +55 719 9313-1792
Skype: chronskype
lunes, 15 de abril de 2019
Actualización SUA 3.5.6
El IMSS lazó la versión 3.5.6 del SUA el 7 de febrero del 2019, mediante el cual se deberán realizar los cálculos de las cuotas obrero-patronales.
Le invitamos a este CURSO ONLINE en VIVO TALLER BÁSICO DEL SUA Y SU (ACTUALIZACIÓN 3.5.6), donde aprenderá y entenderá las adecuaciones importantes.
- Se ajusta el reporte de Relación de Casos de R.T. para que no muestre registros duplicados.
- Se corrige error de selección de movimientos para patrones con Registro de Obra y trabajadores con más de un RP.
- Se actualiza tabla de Primas y combos de años para incluir los valores hasta 2025 Ajuste de las leyendas de "Delegación", por "Alcaldía" y "Distrito Federal" por "Ciudad de México".
- Se actualiza el valor INFONAVIT para créditos con tipo de descuento Factor de Descuento.
- Mejoras: Validación de la correcta captura de la UMA vigente a la fecha.
- Actualización de los factores de Recargos para el periodo de julio-97- diciembre -18.
Si le interesa recibir el PDF con el temario completo y como participar llame al 01800 212 9393 o responda este email con sus datos.
Email Corporativo:
Email Personal:
Información por WhatsApp: 55 5154 9546
¡RESERVA TU STAND! Expo Leon Technology & Innovation Mexico 2019
domingo, 14 de abril de 2019
sábado, 13 de abril de 2019
viernes, 12 de abril de 2019
Thίs is my final warning!
You have the final chance to save your social life - I am not kidding!!
I give you the last 72 hours to make the Ƿayment before I send
the vίdeo with your ʍasturbation to all your friends and associates.
The last time you visited a erotίc website with young teens,
you downloaded and automatically installed the Şpy software
that I created.
My program has turned on your cɑmera and recorded the act
of your ʍasturbation and the vίdeo you were watching
while ʍasturbating.
My software also downloaded email contact list and a list
of your Facebook friends from your device.
I have both the - Aureliasofia Feed.mp4 - with your
ʍasturbation and a file with all your contacts on my hard drive.
You are very Ƿerverted!
If you want me to delete both files and keep your secret,
you must send me the Bitcoin Ƿayment.
I give you last 72 hour to transfer the funds..
If you don't know how to Ƿay with Bitcoin,
visit Google and search - how to buy bitcoin.
Send 2,000 USD (0.401206 BTC)
to this Bitcoin address immediately:
(copy and paste)
1 BTC = 5,030 USD right now, so send exactly 0.401206 BTC
to the address above.
Do not try to cheat me!
As soon as you open this Email I will know you opened it.
This Bitcoin address is linked to you only, so I will know if you
sent the correct amount.
When you Ƿay in full, I will remove both files and deactivate
my software.
If you don't send the Ƿayment, I will send your ʍasturbation vίdeo
to all your friend and associates from your contact list
that I downloaded.
Here are the Ƿayment details again:
Send 0.401206 BTC to this Bitcoin address:
(copy and paste)
You саn visit the polίce but nobody will help you.
I know what I am doing.
I don't live in your country and I know how to stay anonymous.
Don't try to deceive me - I will know immediately - my Şpysoft is recording
all the websites you visit and all keys you press.
If you do - I will send this ugly recording to everyone you know,
including your family!
Don't cheat me! Don't forget the shame and if you ignore this message
your life will be ruined.
I am waiting for your Bitcoin Ƿayment.
Anonymous Hɑcker
P.S. If you need more time to buy and send BTC,
open your noteǷad and write - 48H++ - and save.
This way you can contact me.
I will consider giving you another 48 hours before I send the vίdeo
to your contacts, but only when I see you are
really trying to buy bitcoin.
We are Anonymous. We are legion.
We do not forgive. We do not forget.
Expect us.