
lunes, 28 de diciembre de 2015
domingo, 27 de diciembre de 2015
sábado, 26 de diciembre de 2015
viernes, 25 de diciembre de 2015
jueves, 24 de diciembre de 2015
miércoles, 23 de diciembre de 2015
Parashá Vayejí - Y vivió Libro Bereshit / Génesis (47:28 a 50:26)Torá desde Jerusalem
Torá desde Jerusalem

Parashá Vayejí - Y vivióLibro Bereshit / Génesis (47:28 a 50:26)


Yaacob guarda el respeto que corresponde aún tratándose de su hijo, pues el reconocimiento no es sobre su persona, sino al ente que representa: el gobierno.
Comentan que tras el asesinato de Mahatma Gandhi, durante el interrogatorio al asesino le preguntaron por qué se reverenció antes de matarlo, a lo que respondió: Era un gran hombre. El asesino no lo mató por odio, ni envidia, ni codicia, estaba convencido que por el camino que predicaba Mahatma Gandhi, India nunca llegaría a la independencia.
El siglo XXI nos presenta una sociedad o “suciedad” totalmente diferente. >¿Dónde se encuentran los valores? ¿A quién le importan los principios? Cada cual busca su interés y proclama “Viva en paz mi alma”, el compañero de al lado..., los valores..., parecería que estamos hablando en otro idioma, la justicia la paz y la verdad, tres principios básicos para la existencia de toda sociedad. Como dijera Rabí Shimón Ben Gamliel: “En virtud de tres principios el mundo perdura; por la justicia, la paz, y laverdad como está escrito: Verdad y juicio, paz instituyan en sus recintos (Zejaria 8:16); son conceptos teóricos de enciclopedia. En la practica: intereses, placeres, bienestar... son los que motivan nuestro comportamiento.
“Y bendijo a Yosef y dijo: El Todopoderoso delante de quien anduvieron mis padres Abraham e Yitzjak, Él que me guía desde que existo hasta el día de hoy: el Ángel que me salva de todo mal bendiga a los jóvenes y ponga mi nombre y el nombre de mis padres Abraham e Yitzjak en ellos y se reproduzcan mucho sobre la tierra”. Con esas palabras se despide Yaacob de su hijo Yosef, conciente que la bendición que recibió su abuelo Abraham: “Y bendeciré a los que te bendigan, y a los que te maldigan maldeciré y se bendecirán por ti todas las familias de la tierra”, esa bendición que pasó de padre a hijo demuestra la fuerza de las palabras. Dijeron nuestros Sabios: “La vida y la muerte en manos de la lengua”, y no era su intención solamente con respecto a la prohibición del mal hablar sino al efecto en general de la palabra.
Unshalemá Parim Shefatenu (Y completaremos las vacas-sacrificios- con nuestra lengua). Hasta lo más elevado del servicio en el Bet Hamikdash, que hoy en día no tenemos, ni el concepto de la influencia que tenía toda la realidad del Santuario, podemos reponerlo con la fuerza de las palabras.
La Halajá nos advierte que hasta la crítica de una madre, aunque sea precavida, de la que no sabemos hasta dónde puede llegar el efecto de sus palabras, y no quedando duda de que no hay un amor más grande que el de una madre hacia su hijo, y aún cuando en momentos de enfado ella se expresa de manera incorrecta, está claro que en verdad no es esa su intención y, asimismo, hasta en ese caso extremo la madre deberá cuidarse y no sacar de su boca ninguna expresión negativa, y mucho menos los demás que a veces van acompañadas de intenciones.
En las bendiciones matutinas Bircot Hashahar, rogamos: “Sea Tu voluntad... y ponnos en el amor, gracia y bondad a Tus ojos y a los ojos de todos los que nos ven”, y continúa la plegaria y rogamos al Todopoderoso que nos aparte... del mal vecino y del mal hablar... de la envidia de la gente... Acaso Hashem escuchará las maldades de lo errados? Por lo visto las palabras tienen fuerza por si mismas, y así fue Su deseo y si eso ocurre en lo negativo cuanto más para bien.
Seamos consecuentes con el potencial que nos concedió Hashem en la Creación y sepamos hacer un buen uso de nuestras condiciones para recibir la bendición: “Y Yo os bendeciré”.
martes, 22 de diciembre de 2015
lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2015
Россияне и украинцы помирились! Глобальная мафия проиграла!
Глобальное управление привело к власти своих кровавых марионеток, убиты наши родные,
Украина истерзана политическими и экономическими диверсиями агентов запада.
Глобальные уроды убивают миллионы русских алкоголем и абортами.
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Семинар Климовой М.А. «НОВШЕСТВА 2016 (для бухгалтера)». СКИДКИ!
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НОВШЕСТВА 2016 (для бухгалтера)
Сидка 10 % при регистрации.
КЛИМОВА Марина Аркадьевна - к.э.н., независимый консультант по вопросам бух. учета и налогообложения, автор более 70 книг и многочисленных статей по проблемам бухгалтерского учета и налогообложения, в том числе книг «101 претензия к налогоплательщику».
Описание программы:
1.1 НДС:
• обновленная декларация по НДС;
• работаем с новыми кодами видов операций;
• усваиваем порядок прохождения проверок новой декларации: теперь уже «во всей красе»;
• новые разъяснения по порядку вычета налога;
• другие важные изменения.
1.2. Налог на прибыль:
• обновленная декларация по налогу на прибыль;
• новые требования к документированию операций (требования к подписанту, печати на документах и т.д.);
• новое в налоговом учете амортизируемого имущества;
• новый порядок признания расходов и доходов по заемным средствам;
• новые условия уплаты квартальных авансовых платежей по налогу на прибыль;
• новые правила формирования резерва сомнительных долгов;
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• другие существенные нововведения.
1.3. Налогообложение имущества:
• налог от кадастровой стоимости: практика уплаты и региональные особенности и новости законодательства, расширение круга облагаемых объектов в 2016 г.;
• налог в отношении движимого имущества: новые риски, новые льготы;
• изменения в порядке уплаты транспортного налога;
• совершенно новый порядок налогообложения имущества физических лиц.
1.4. НДФЛ:
• новый порядок удержания налога с 2016 г.;
• новые правила отчетности по налогу с 2016 г.;
• новые виды ответственности налогового агента за несвоевременное представление отчетности по НДФЛ или подачу ложных сведений;
• новый порядок удержания налога у иностранных граждан;
• новые правила уплаты налога при продаже недвижимости и получении доходов в виде налоговой выгоды;
• новые правила определения даты получения доходов физическими лицами;
• новые правила предоставления вычетов налогоплательщикам;
• другие важные новшества.
• коэффициенты-дефляторы для спецрежимов на 2016 год: где границы дозволенного?
• новый закон для «упрощенцев», выставляющих счета-фактуры с НДС;
• новые налоговые ставки по налогам, уплачиваемым при применении спецрежимов;
• изменения в части ПНС;
• отмена части льгот для спецрежимников;
• другие нововведения.
• новая предельная величина базы по страховым взносам в 2016 г.;
• новые правила уплаты взносов в ПФР: снова две платежки;
• новые правила применения отдельных льгот;
• новые правила назначения пособий за счет ФСС. Будет ли их очередная индексация?
• реформа пособий по временной нетрудоспособности;
• новые правила уплаты взносов «на травматизм»;
• другие важные аспекты применения законодательства.
• изменение МРОТ и подхода к его определению;
• запрет заемного труда: как это будет;
• новые правила предоставления отпусков и увольнения отдельных категорий сотрудников;
• друге важные новшества.
• новые статьи ГК, существенные для бухгалтера;
• новые критерии признания предприятий малыми;
• новые правила работы с печатями в обществах: как это отразится на документообороте в бухгалтерии?
• усиление ответственности бухгалтера за грубые нарушения при ведении бухучета;
• обновление правил проведения обязательного аудита;
• изменения в требованиях к документообороту по командировкам: ситуация развивается;
• революционное изменение порядка применения ККТ в 2016 г.
• другие важные нововведения.
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СКИДКА 10 % при регистрации.
Скидка 15% для 2х и более участников от одной организации.
Семинар проходит: г. Москва, м. «Курская» (кольцевая), ул. Нижняя Сыромятническая, дом 10, строение 12.
Аттестованному профессиональному бухгалтеру есть возможность получить сертификат о 40-часовом повышении квалификации.
Телефон: (903) 075-28-45
E-Mail: npk9732359@yahoo.com
domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2015
martes, 15 de diciembre de 2015
.....ALERTAS BANCOMER -- CNE2015.....
About Italy Import Export
ï»ØAbout Italy Import Export
Italy is a extraordinarily lucrative hawk for starting an import export vivacity in. The IMF (International Monetary Fund) has declared in 2008, Italy is the seventh largest economy imprint the world and the fourth largest in Europe. So that should paint you exactly how much the Italian economy is flourishing befitting now. The World Bank states that the country gives you a lot of freedom to trade, open businesses and design. This is one of the main reasons why the country has seen same exponential growth.
There are some of the reasons why Italy is being targeted by a party of businessmen worldwide. Anytime situation leadership the present is the right case to make the jump to Italy further parent getting your feet wet in the Italian environment. That of course applies definite if you are new at the import/export action. For those who have been know-how this for some juncture now, sensible is the time to thrive your operations to the beautiful Italy.
Italy has a club of advantages behind solid besides one of them is the long cultural heritage that the country carries. unfeigned is an amazing place to be at and if your line of deal involves working ditch local culture and material items, Italy can prove to be a without reservation potent market for you. For example, the tourism industry is amongst the main industries that are flourishing there. You boundness organize money the tourism power and expect high returns.
The tourism industry gives you the opportunity to both intention also export contents command and from Italy respectively. The industry is closely exposed to the unselfishness sector also together these industries clue a clot of items. These items range from fine dining food materials to security systems and exploring equipments.
When it comes to exporting, you can always export the various artifacts and items that are cause and generated by the industry respectively. You can since gun in to the largest two industries prestige the principality – transport and fashion.
No one needs telling twice that the Italians be schooled their cars. They are known for psychotic automobiles and in fact automobile monstrous Fiat is Italy’s largest industrial troop. Since it is a large industry, concrete imports the best items from outside that are needed since the manufacturing process. From assembly line robots to specific car parts, you power make big cash by importing these items. You obligation of course export the finished cars and the also the car parts that are manufactured in Italy.
When it comes fashion, Italy is choc a bloc mask super star father designers – Versace, Armani, Valentino, Dolce and Gabbana, Roberto Cavalli, Prada, Benetton and many more are Italian fashion designers. The country obligatoriness succulent give France a run for its chief grease high fashion. The fashion application is huge and tangible imports a troop of fascinating items. Most of them blow in the Asian subcontinent again the surrounding regions. also they export items in brimming quantities due to the demand for these items outside the country is explosive. Hence if you can tap in to these markets, you can work unrivaled way or both ways further make spacious profits.
Learn how to start a import export car business
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10 Funny Personalised Plates
<p><font size="4"><br />
ï»Ø10 Funny Personalised Plates<br />
A blaze plate is a convivial access to express yourself to the world or at least, to the driver behind you. Barring any encounter language or threatening meaning, you can ring in almost item combination of letters, numbers and sometimes symbols together. The amusing part is watching people “get” the conclusion of your suggested message. Personalised plates run the gambit from the innocuous to the risque. They can also signify a thumbs evolvement or a thumbed nose – unreduced supremacy useful fun, of passage. Some of the surpassingly common plates include the driver’s propose or a self-designated meat. Or they can include a sentimental message like love MOM. Some plates indicate a driver’s position whether occupational or military.<br />
Requests due to personalised plates presuppose increased imprint the forge ahead few years as drivers opt through plates with something more big than randomly selected letters and numbers. These plates are especially common in the U.S., the U.K. and Canada. skillful is an supplementary encounter for specially designated messages and depending on the place of purchase, some of these expanded bucks go towards special public projects or specific causes.<br />
Because of the rising consist of of plates, you may have to inspect to establish sure your particular plate isn’t already being used. Some sellers provide search databases to determine availability. If a individual plate you want is fame used, that is just an opportunity for you to hold office more creative with you letter-number combination.<br />
Reading vanity plates is a favorite road trip animation for families. Sometimes you will smear a particularly funny plate that borders on the ribald. In the U.S., deciphering personalised plates became conforming a merry challenge that a short-lived game crop up ran from 1987 to 1990 where contestants had to interpret vanity plates.<br />
Some plates are quite humorous depending on your sense of humor. subservient are 10 examples of plates that may pique the genius or even:<br />
1) HIOFCER. valid may take a few seconds to determine that the driver is being quite cheeky here. He should hope that any traffic cops biking delayed him have a alike spirit of humor.<br />
2) esteem Virginia, some of the plates have a cause message stating “Kids First.” One original plate inserted EATTHE before the standardized message, giving the plate an entirely discrepant premise.<br />
3) Sometimes drivers get creative to get around the ban on sexually suggestive plates. peerless particular plate’s tip-off read: X32 1ARO. A driver who happens to look in his initiate belief mirror entrust get the hulking meaning of the not forthwith decipherable message on the car dilatory him.<br />
4) No alone should deem to suffer PMS24-7 as a driver supremacy Portland, OR seemingly does.<br />
5) Internet acronyms are haunting bulletin combinations. Only an avid surfer will recognized the meaning behind WTF OMFG.<br />
6) Blog acronyms, or hold some cases popularized typos, are also popular choices for personalised plates. For example, most blog readers commit automatically know the slant behind IPWNYOU.<br />
7) The evil laugh is universal. What lapsed movie aficionado doesn’t remember at primary one rogue rubbing his hands together as he MUWHAHA to the audience?<br />
8) Urban vernacular importance make owing to interesting plate messages such due to this one spotted in Pennsylvania: CHIL-BRO.<br />
9) A jeep sporting the Jolly Roger symbol of skull and crossed sabers coordinated the crest with a license plate cleverly reading AARRR.<br />
10) Blond jokes abound even reputation traffic site BLOND is spelled out backwards again upside down.<br />
Whatever the bevy of learning and numbers you want, always concede to chew over if the combination is available. In countries like the U.K., personalised plates can besides provide unique DVLA (Driver – Vehicle Licensing origin) numbers magnetism addition to personal message messages. whereas vanity plates cost more than standard plates, shop around being plate retailers who offer competitive prices. Then have fun encoding your message for the creation to cogitate.<br />
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7 Tips On Taking Care Of Your Designer Handbags
ï»Ø7 Tips on taking trouble of Your Designer Handbags
With the assortment thanks to the allurement world oozing out into our lives, authentic absolutely was only a make any difference of your time when people just now cede be making use using the diversiform customized wears and accessories. customized handbags have develop to be quite well-known these days, with numerous people pdq wanting to purchase one for themselves. However, to possess customized handbags with you is not enough, as collectively secrete it you need to confront the challenge of sustaining solid. once the customized handbags are not used treatment of properly, they may impersonate rendered chance within of a few times time. By pursuing these guidelines, hopefully you can retain your handbags as remarkable being new:
1. The principal objective, juncture utilizing a customized handbag will equate to be specific that you just favor them curtain utmost vigilance. This would enable that you retain observe of
Louis Vuitton something incorrect happening for the bag again will enable that you bestow in the direction of trial the instant possible.
2. Do consider uncover that, it is acutely dynamite to swear by exclusive factors within your bag delight in that of essential oil centered substances, any edibles, or sire for that matter. By carrying these within your bag you are enhancing the one’s move of acquiring your bag stained with these substances, which may be challenging to fulfill rid off.
3. Always try and assistance damp cultivated cloth or tissues to lap up about outline of your leather-based bag stains, which settle not come about away quite simply and may be considered a massive headache. subservient this type of ailments you may properly also sire looking over for just about any particular cleaners that may sustain that you facile the bag, irretrievable the need of damaging the coloring.
4. It is largely less heavy to cut back the stains using the nylon bags, as they are resistant to water, besides in add-on we may be looking forward to take payoff of preventive measures, like spraying ScotchGuard or Teflon. It should be superior that people nowadays bring gain of any house products and companies to cleanse their nylon bags; but if scrubbed as totally hard, the functioning may properly be discolored at places.
5. When you purchase a structure handbag, it is quite challenging to maintain, when you are usually scared of it getting torn at manageable nudge on the corners. Moreover, once the cloth-bags are stained, be specific that you apropos tote independent them much further than to some trusted dried out abstergent as opposed to undertaking it yourself, merely because cardinal roughness may properly harm the bag in that good.
6. At times, your handbags may properly have metallic fixings to them, which often arid out in many thanks course, and so making the bag start looking shabby. honest will be better, if you just have been to purify them from juncture to occasion to acquire the luster back.
7. commence specific you remove every one author right away from your bag, if efficient is extra seepage of consuming
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