domingo, 10 de abril de 2011


Join us for Passover Seder Monday Night, April 18th, 2011 at 7:00 pm
Join us for Passover Seder Monday Night, April 18th, 2011 at 7:00 pm (Visit)
Reserve NO Later than April 12th!
We are happy to announce our community Passover Seder on the night of Monday, April 18th. We are opening up reservations to members and friends of the synagogue, so reserve your spot today. Please order your tickets and pay using Paypal (which accepts major credit cards). If this isn't an option for you, please bring a check to our Tuesday Bible Study NO Later than April 12th!
Filled with singing, story telling and symbolic foods, this is a night that you will not forget. We will relive the experience of the Exodus from Egypt and recount the redemption of all humanity through the Life, of our Rabbi, Yeshua HaMashiach. We will celebrate Passover as he commanded us.
Passover is a Sabbath and it is Jewish custom that no work is to be done except that involved in preparing and conducting the Seder. It is a full evening from 7:00pm until around Midnight, so please plan to stay late to enjoy the full experience and take the next day off!
HaShem commands us to celebrate Passover. Vayikra / Leviticus 23:5 “In the first month/Abib/Nisan, on the fourteenth day of the month, between the evenings, is the Passover to HaShem.”
Our Messianic Jewish Passover is the Feast of Redemption, the Feast of Deliverance from the bondage of sin and slavery. We will be celebrating personal exodus from the dominion of hasatan to the freedom and liberty in Adon/Master Maran Yeshua. I Yohanan/John 3:8b “For this purpose the Son of Elohim/Ben Elohim/Maran Yeshua HaMashiach/the Messiah was manifested: to destroy the works of the devil.”
Would you like to join us? Let’s get rid of all leaven from our hearts, families, congregations and our nation!I Corinthians 5:8 “Let us observe the festival/Passover, not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of evil and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.”
Let us celebrate the true Lord's supper with our Master Maran Yeshua HaMashiach with the songs of deliverance and dances of triumph over our enemies. Let us get rid of all leaven from our hearts, our lives, our families, our houses, our congregations and our nation! Let us return to Him today!

Messianic Passover Seder

Price: Tickets are Adult $45, Children (12 & Under) – $12 Children (4 & Under).
Registration is a TWO Part Process.
All ticket sales are final. There are no refunds if you cannot make the seder. If you can't make the seder, you can transfer your ticket(s) to another person, but please email us to indicate the change.
The Food: All meals are glatt kosher and prepared in a strictly kosher kitchen for Pesach.
Dress Code: Festive for the celebration, modest dressing, please.
Aviv/Nissan 14, 5771/April 18, 2011, Monday night – Erev Pesach/Eve of Passover -
Seder @ 5:30pm sharp
Aviv/Nissan 15, 5771/April 19, 2011 Tuesday – Pesach/Passover -
work is strictly prohibited. A day of rest.
Aviv/Nissan 22, 5771/April 26, 2011 Tuesday -
The seventh and the last day of the Yom HaMatzah/Unleavened Bread Service @ 10:30am - work is strictly prohibited - Masihach's Seder. We will have a celebration together. We will party!
Tel: 416-647-800-4443

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