jueves, 4 de julio de 2013

Spirit Messages 2010 to 2012

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

BABAJI and the Mysteries of Nature through Belen de la Paz.


  Dimensional Black Holes and Doors
Figure 1picture ABC
Figure 2 Picture ABC

The Earth has entered a space of timeless time no time to get out of the third dimension and aligned for ascension,
The land has been positioned in nonlinear time that no longer governed by the time of the third dimension, that is why from now everything is measured in different ways, the day is accompanied by 12 hours but these hours increase, last more and each will be an opening rush hour when the minute at the same time, (eg, 3:3, 12:12, 20:20 h.) opens a forgotten memory code in the collective subconscious or matrix for everyone can access that memory, ie the input signal of the Cosmic Christ, the more attuned and connected are better accede to these collective memories that are the heritage of humanity and were censored by the network of the density.
Memories are Sacred Codes of Light and they were buried in this dark age and now open again to the light, in a record time and stay open all these files and hidden records will go on light energy as codified in Hallelujah endless, the Cosmic Christ is victorious and we installed a new era of light connected and twinned with Big Brothers Big Fraternities and Light
Thus cometh Initiates Largest, The Great Master Jesus Christ the Redeemer
During the next two years you have time to plan what you want to do with your life because you have now will serve you no longer, recover your dreams and desires and put them on the table
Unprecedented're living, you are very brave
The Great Mother give Light to the New Earth sucked into a force at high speed while passing trasvés the birth canal, the Great Mother Earth will catch with his own hands, his great creation, has given light and entered and born to the new life and with it
us, his beloved children, when cutting the cord that bound her uterus will catch it with his own hands and with the joys breastfeed
Childbirth last three months, the Aurora Borealis will be in winter and Sirius will play a very important accompaniment to Earth in this process, we assist at all times, you have to enjoy the birth, the Earth is the beating hear and its beating the Sun shine by two equal
We will reveal the mysteries of nature:
The first - The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit involves interlinings Light Body interlinings connected to nature, to the cockles of magnetic networks planet and the universe, and thus activated Light Body is connected to the Holy Spirit for all you have life and therefore all that is connected to and is
To the extent that the Spirit is more active will be more connected therefore clearer to reach the information of all that exists and is
The Tongue of Fire is the Eternal Fire, the Fire that connects active and activating energy is at a higher frequency and higher frequencies connected so that high frequency energy can heal and you can turn to other lower frequencies and heal, reorder, plugging at that frequency
It is a powerful and often has side effects throughout the surrounding countryside, that Spirit and active all along which it passes removes it all, no one sees it but we all know, the world will heal and thereby activate
The second mystery - Dimensional Black Holes and Doors
The second mystery is the Black Hole, Dimensional Gates to access other parallel dimensions within this same planet, are the doors that open and his step leads to another place in the same place, are close and you can touch, you can go through them and travel thousands of miles, pass through them and step've come a long way, you can access another part of the world without effort and without transport
They are named in a geography that the common man should know and learn now because now is ready to be prepared to know and recognize, but there are intraterrestrial extraterrenas on the surface and all of them are going to give out to your facility and evolution , are mysteries that are to make known and reveal
There are also doors, worms energy where it travels in this way through the universe without having to travel distances of light years, the universe itself could say it's a scarf, interplanetary travel is made in this way in an instant Eye close
The Earth will ascend through a worm - access door and ascend to the fifth dimension havoc without a long trip or eternal, entering the new dimension will become part of the GREAT BROTHERHOOD OF WORLDS without duality and darkness and in doing so have access to a series of mysteries and knowledge that were previously banned for its inhabitants by Fraternity own safety as there was enough light to consciousness and to reveal and access to this knowledge, to enter the new frequency dimension and you can travel through time and the universe as we do
The Third Mystery - The Time
Weather no longer be perceived as we know and it will be linear, time will expand and go in a timeless and nonlinear time, this time is unknown to us but to enter the new dimension you will begin to connect, to feel and live
This time is more real time, more dynamic, more subtle, more dilated and less repetitive, it is a time where everything is perceived differently with another perception, now still can not understand it until you begin to feel and live, you will live many more years, your life has been extended greatly in time and so in this way you can in the same body and the whole experience would not have to die to be reborn and forget evolutionarily move faster, you will decide when to leave the body to acquire another when you see fit for your move in the upward path of evolution, notably rejuveneceréis your body will not age and will grow to a mature adult but not age or deteriorate because of old age and death do not exist in the new dimension
You will live in social communities but not too big or crowded in harmony and connected to everything that surrounds you, the field work will be very important and valued, all people will do a service to your community group where there will be no power struggles as each be valued for their gifts and abilities
Businesses abusive, speculation, abuse, theft, crime, etc ..., will not exist and disappear from the Face of the New Dimension and so much so that those few vibrate at these frequencies will not ascend to the New Earth as there be in tune with the new frequencies of light minimum dwell therein
There will be a library and files to govern and these are as a Record-energy codes with great information that everyone can access whenever you need and want for nothing will remain hidden and everything is in the Light and available
Children will form in free schools connected with nature learning how the mysteries of the new life naturally and easily and encourage them qualities, abilities, gifts and talents connecting to what they came to learn and serve, be a cognitive learning, no exams, notes or competencies they will be treated as individuals which encourage personal comprehensive capabilities and fostering the creative spirit of each child
Adults also learn about themselves in this regard but with methods appropriate to their age and evolution.
The transition has already begun dimension, but it will not be traumatic for the unknown shocking that encloses and be as different from the known
In the transition energy will go to flower seeds implanted later because there will be a transition aisle so to speak where they will be cleaning up old memories and giving birth to new, this is the time of no time, IS EMPTY, is the transfiguration where are left to wear old clothes that will be your new habit of light
Once past and exceeded this transition time will access the new to develop and engage in this new company within the Great Brotherhood where everyone will find their proper place, will be taught and guided and so you could say that after a long exile again Paradise, Light Beings accompany them at all times in this move
Light Beings accompany you at all times in traffic
This is a project where there is no room for error, all the processes and steps fit together like a puzzle so no fear and enjoy the ride
With love them hope.
Channeled by Bethlehem Peace
Author claim the right of this message. The publication network sites are allowed provided they do not alter, remove or add information or the exclusion of my own and my e-mail address of my blog. It can be published in newspapers, magazines or other print media with the permission of:

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Speaking of the Council Agnimitra Ibez

 Meeting with the Fire.


June 23, 2013

Participant: Can you talk a little about the Ibez Council, which will be starting in August, explain a bit about that, and what it means ...


In every August the Confederacy, ie, the set of consciousnesses called "extra-planetary"; come as a whole with the Intra-terrestrial consciousness, already gather from the forties to accompany and review what is known Operation Earth or planetary transition at the operational level, each group referred to it with a name.  


 Is this Council, a general council ... Well, it's hard to explain that because people will tend to classify all of that in a logical and mental mechanism, the way people drive certain situations.

 Right? But for all intelligence Light is spontaneous, everything is instant. No premeditation, but there is a meditation.

So these councils what actually happens is that all these consciousnesses melt. All "departments" or areas, into the different facets of this planetary transition, can then share all that was lived, all achieved vibratory codes, throughout the period between Council and other.

Therefore there is a discussion, not a symposium, not a conference. It's a great merger, now, imagine that insanity is: thousands, millions of instantly merging consciousnesses. Perceive you, that this council does not have a round table, where they will get the Melchizedek and they will say, "see, this year we got to do a hundred human beings awakened, disband hundred human beings in the Light". No, Melchizedek, the Stars, the Councils Intra-land and the various families who have a role in Operation Terra. These consciousnesses merge, and instantly they exchange all that each area of ​​Operation Terra lived, and managed to distil as vibratory codes.


This aspect is very important, because we think we're learning something here, we live on this side of the theater are learning something, we're storing something, we are improving, what people hear constantly is that we continue a certain so fueling the idea that we are here to grow, to improve. Well, if that were true of us, would have to be true as well, as to who is on the other side of the theater.

But there is another way to see why this code distill vibrating, what does that mean? Well is that you live every experience is an experience of Sacredization of Matter, a facet of the human experience is deified, or if not deified, to her learn a little more. Because the only mystery here on this experience, is the state of ignorance, the unknown of this experience, is the state of separation. For that matter is made sacred, consciousness, the soul, the Observer embodies precisely, to know the state of separation, and sometimes know deeply, in accordance with the purpose of consecration of the observer, that portion that animates matter, should it consecrate.


So you see, as Earth is a real operation. Within each experience, when the light touch this matter in a given state of shadow, opacity, that wonderful meeting is a meeting that only happens here in all universes, this event only happens here, this here, in a state of ignorance apparent encounter between Light and shadow. Because out there separation shadow as light there, there is only Unity. Not here, seems to have both, then this wonderful meeting also, can only be lived here, and only here, can be experienced a sense of distance, can be lived here only a sense of reunion, perceive the wonder of this experience.

So when this apparent this apparent shadow Light and reunite, because truth is reunion with the Divine Divinity, but anyway ... This reunion generates code, it generates information, it generates data regarding the experience of forgetting, of how the light meets the shadow. And these codes are collected by embodied souls, or siblings who are also contacting a subject in oblivion. You see, when the auditors come here, for example, they contact facets of oblivion, they are also sanctifying matter, they are also generating codes how this encounter with Shadow Light.


So at this council accumulated all these codes, covering the magnitude of the thing, are fused, and that all areas, all "departments" Operation Earth Planetary Transition, have access to all the other lived in terms of intimacy with the subject that is being sacralized. So this is the goal of Concílio primeir.

In this August, the Council will occur in Ibez, because from the beginning of the year, indeed, from the second half of last year, Ibez has assumed a very prominent, well let's say, within this Operation Earth. Since the disclosure of the five new centers Planetary Ibez anchor the 12th. And this is Fire 12th Primordial, then to sustain Ibez Planetarium Center that anchors this Primordial Fire, Primordial Fire Ibez transforms this in Fire Release.


That it was a function of Ibez, even before this revelation of the five new Planetary Centers. Ibez as removal Intra-ground and anchored a Fire Release, which is an aspect of Iberah as Varuna spoke in those seven interventions vs Release Fire, Fire Ibez it, and acted in all other Planetary Centers in certain aspects of the action of these Planetary Centers, alongside mankind incarnate. But now, Ibez assumes a role that stood out, because that Primordial Fire today is anchored there, so intimately now working Ibez-Tli-Tlan Miz, who is the ruler of this Planet Center.

So, for this and other reasons in August this year, the Council will occur in Ibez, for the dissemination of this Release Fire, and on the other side. Because the Center 12th Planetarium has a purpose: a daring way, that this is anchored by embodied human collective consciousness.That is a very bold goal.
Planetary Centers are usually anchored in Intra-land withdrawals and Adiktu-Elon is anchored by a retreat in Ibez. But Adiktu-Elon has the proposal to this Planet, that this center is anchored by embodied human consciousness.


Participant: And how will you do this?

That is being done, souls are being touched by this fire, they are open and are anchoring the Fire. This spread process. This way, is one of the guidelines of this Council, and how to boost the expansion of this fire, not only the Fire's Liberation already work from the forties, and from above, but to an increasingly more collective, collective progressively from the forties, and this 12th Planetary Center is anchored by collective human consciousness, in order ...


In a council like this, each network receives directives, each accompanied by a Red Team that participates in a, well, the thing is wonderful, but everything, always based on the merger. Interestingly dissolve those ideas have when talking Council of Conclave, Cenacles, Meetings and Events (laughs): everyone is going to sit in a chair and draw the guidelines. The thing is an explosion of light.

That Council is specific ... Because August is for mankind a change of cycle, which is different from the months of May and October, for example. But are cycles that relate to the planet, the solar system, as well as October, in order ... There are several cycles. August cycle, which begins and ends in August always refers to humanity, to human experience, because there are cycles to the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom cycles, there are cycles to the mineral within this planetary transition, within Sacredization this process. For the human being, for humanity as a whole embodied, both here and in other realms, August is a time synchronization and re-arrangement of many things.


Participant: You spoke of humanity incarnated here, as in other realms?

Yes, there are other kingdoms on Earth that houses humanity, making the experience of forgetfulness, being for these other humanities, which are also accompanied, of course, in this same council that covers all these aspects. Then, as this August Council specifically refers to humanity incarnate, we are all invited to join him. In consciousness, vibrating, in intention, in attention, openness, receptivity.


Because in every opening that the soul lives, she begins to interact with certain levels of life, multidimensional levels, levels of Unit, in order ... Then all the souls who are hosting this Lucidity, ranging eyes turning to experience the magnitude of Being, they are des-atrophy, they have to experience the reality for this body des-stunt multidimensional. So we are all invited to participate in these councils in a way or another. We all share in a more or less deep, in relation to consciousness externalized, but we all participate. The intention is that people increasingly lucid contribution and participation in awareness of this life, we all have. Behold, a little on the Council.



Transcript: Lucas
Review: Agnimitra

htt :/ /


Spanish translation: EN

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1o. 7, 2013 MOTHER DIVINE REALMS OF THE EARTH, by Agnimitra



For the Class of Children of the Law of One Agnimitra through.


via I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD LUCIA! Lucia Montano on 01/07/13
Divine Mother. The Kingdoms of the Earth. "It's important enteréis ye this information to not be taken by surprise." Agnimitra. The Collective of the Children of the Law of One
With audio. Share!
Portuguese Translation: Lucia Montano.
"It's important enteréis ye this information to not be taken by surprise when the veils fall completely, before their eyes of flesh, unknown worlds arise, brothers and sisters who for centuries have lived at your side, in the various Kingdoms of this planet. "
Children well Beloved, listen carefully My Voice.
Call me by the name you wish, but do not fear that caused changes. Desolation is a mirage. During all these years, somehow, I have prepared, I have prepared to serve them with a vision that is not limited by the filters built during the cycles of reincarnation in this Kingdom.
I come to you to open the doors and also to make known what has been hidden on this planet, the house of my sister Gaia.
It is important that you may enteréis of this information from being taken by surprise when the veils fall completely, before their eyes of flesh, unknown worlds arise, brothers and sisters who for centuries have lived at your side, in the various realms of this planet.
Most likely you are not familiar in this light. More must consider that each planet has the ability to host multiple Kingdoms of Life in the same material plane. Each of these kingdoms, and that on this planet there are six, as the faces of a cube-represent a specific coordinate time and space force in the plane of matter and relate.
You, most of the time, at least for many, you are only aware of the physical plane called and matter. The physical plane of matter that includes itself, the emotional and mental-, on this planet are housed six different Kingdoms. So far, each of them has experienced some degree of separation and forgetfulness in their diverse experiences.
It is not my purpose here to dwell on the specific message of each of these Kingdoms, however, each system has its own life, its own culture and social patterns that resemble or differ from yours in varying degrees.
These realms are not to be confused with my various abodes on Planet Interior, called by some of you the World of Intra Earth, and are very close to your dimension of life. As the veils fall ye will turn you more sensitive and these other worlds may be perceived more or less vaguely, and to the extent that you turn back you to your inner world. There is nothing to fear, are all brothers on the road, it is only your own Note Vibration will determine how and when these contacts will. More must take cognizance that to the extent that your world moves more toward a major transformation, the more will be the pressure to reveal it to your conscience, for your awakening.
I remind you that this whole planet, as well as the solar system is in the process of mutation. The trumpet has sounded, announcing the Return and Reunion.Everything has been completed and now every one of you reap the fruits planted on the road to redemption.
All Kingdoms of this planet have been touched by my call and you are invited to attend my call of Reconciliation, none of my children will be forsaken. All who turn to Me find rest and peace in the midst of the apparent storm.
Remember my children, The Silence and the Fire of your aspiration are your tools to you, that you may give your service and to lead you home.
Be the Joy that I am, Be the Love that Emano. I love you.
From the United First
Divine Mother.
The Collective of the Children of the Law of One Agnimitra.

Baal-AH-men by the Collective of the Children of the Law of One Sijah through Siriius

For the children Collective Law of One
Sirius through Sijah

Catalan Translation: Lucia Montano


I am Baal-Ah-Men, original consciousness of Sirius A. Today I present to you, together with all the Consciences of the Winged Lions, from the star Sirius A.

Today we are here in communion, representing the Fire Element and Earth Element, elements that we vibrate, and mainly, also merged with the Air Element.

The Lions have consciousness of its vibration mainly founded on the Fire and Earth, but of course there are many levels, many dimensions and many possible manifestations. Similarly, there are consciences that integrate many more elements, making them carriers of vibration varied and fused. This is the case of the Winged Lions, they commune with the elements, Fire, Air and Earth.

You must know, that the lineages, with different and varied forms, all cultures of the Intergalactic Confederation of Light Unified, are scattered, without any distinction of space and place. In this way all the stars and the suns have a particular vibration, and this is no impediment to the lineages of Water, Fire and Earth: Lions, Dolphins or canines, are represented in large numbers in all star systems.

So, it would be inappropriate for us indicate your minds that you would limit our locations because much the reality of what we are.As you may have the experience, then you can verify diversity and unfathomable wealth and manifestations of life, de la Fuente A, in its magical manifestations.

The Lion as you know is a solar symbol, a symbol of Christ, Enlightened Consciousness. It also represents the strength and sovereignty, linked to the manifestation of the points Alpha and Omega, Fire point and point on Earth. Present Today we are here to help you unify these two elements, Fire and Earth. Two elements that you draw in the True line of Vibration and Consciousness, aligning with Source One.

We are a large group representing various dimensions and shapes, helping you in the integration of the 4 Elements in you. 2 by 2, 3 by 3 or 4 in 4; guiding you to manifest the Body of Eternity on Earth.

Many of your "animal" companions, as you call them pets, are representatives of your own lineages. And also of your attraction to a specific animal rather than to another, of course this indicates you something, some close, some connection beyond that can be observed.

Well Know that the "animals" as they have been manifested here in recent millennia, are as small demonstrations, we might say, of our consciousness that comes to you. So stay tuned to the animals who accompany you, because they convey specific energy channels that you return to your vibration Original.

The receiving state will help you understand what your vibrate and "animals" I want to contribute. Break their regular communications with them. Allow communication flow from Heart to Heart, because they are also here with you experiencing this Ascension process of the Earth, pulling your consciousness toward it, to where should vibrate.

Baal-Ah-Mén, as the Lion of Fire, now brings you the Fire, fanned by the wind and connected with the Earth; your Earth, which revives the extent that the Aether does descent through the Elements. The fourth element is Water is the element that will work over the next few days in the Ascension process. It is part of the step: Air-Fire - Water-Earth.Today I bring you these 3 elements that should make up this work with the water to be held in these days.

Water as you know is related to the emotional, to the state of mind that I will travel more or less covertly with your state of Eternity, now.

So Take advantage of what you have at hand, either with food, with minerals, with the items that have the nature of fire, the sun, the water in the sea, in rivers, Earth, connecting with the Earth, sit on earth, in the forest, lie down on the bed of the Mother as the air caresses your face.

You can also bring your consciousness to us, we are also here. In the planes of the 5th dimension, which is integrated now in your dimension. Think of us and each of our respective lineages, to strengthen these elements in you.


Baal-Ah-Mén wishes you a happy integration with all elements in you.Pay attention to your body and what you are asked, as well as demonstrations of your environment.

As you can give it, the Fire is taking proportions. Generating internal states, states account for consciousness. Let them live, and this vibration Nourish, with Fire and in balance with the other elements.

These summer months are a great test of Fire, Fire test in the love of Christ.

Baal-Ah-Mén welcomes you in the heart of the One, in utmost simplicity and harmony. And invites you to enjoy, as we enjoyed it, the Fire Dance, hitting the Earth, making it vibrate. This is also your role at this very moment, the fire dance, dance with your feet on Earth, making it resonate and spread its wings, to Eternity. Enjoy brothers and sisters, hurl you. Lazaros to spontaneity, we might even use the word insane, insanity Heart of unconditional surrender to what You are.

Baal-Ah-Mén embraces you and is available in your communions, as well as the entire group of Lions and Cats of Sirius A. Unity and Joy Abide in acclimating this Fire, this fire burning within you. Son weeks as well was called by the Commander of the Ancients (OM Aïvanhov) the "handle planet" (ndt: planet burning), is evidence therefore to you of approaching dissolution and final entry Eternity, both of you, in your heart, as in the Heart of the Earth.

Thanks Brothers in Unity in the Law of One, the One Law of Love Continue happy and radiant in this Holy Land. Thanks and now.

Reported by: Collective Sirius Sijah Children of the Law of One

Translated and sent by Lucia Montano

Monday, July 1, 2013

June 29, 2013 Mother Divine Names and Faces All through Agnimitra

June 29, 2013.
From My Kingdom of Fire, from Ibez, I salute you, sons and daughters of the Eternal Light.
I am Mary, Queen of Peace, I am your Mother Divine Essence in your essence, your light Light, Sound in your singing, your dancing Movement, Care in your Love, Acceptance in your integration. I am your divine nature immutable, transcendent, but inherent in humanity itself and express you support.
I come to all My sons and daughters on the surface of the world, to lead them words of encouragement, words of encouragement, words of affection and love.It's time for My purpose is revealed, it's time that my voice is heard in the four corners of this planet, it's time that my message reaches every heart, it is time that My love is felt by each of your human and sisters as well as yourself.
Therefore, I send you as My ambassadors, in silent vibration in loving welcome. So I intervened Fire is this structure, revealing my various Faces, sanctifying and reviving in this way, in righteousness and in Ether grinding each of my facets, each of my expressions.This is my gift to the world, this is my school these days: that every voice is raised to My Sacred Heart of Fire, calling me by any of my names, staring in any of my images, be heard and treated promptly with Light vibrato, Love Unlimited, sustained and steady.
So, during all these days to meet us under the shield igneous Ibez, I have I revealed in my various phases, pouring from my various names, for all brothers and sisters on earth feel welcome by My mantle, feel enveloped by my love and thus access to My Sacred Heart of Fire.
Every one of my facets, at various levels, in its various areas of activity, and service are, I myself completely and simultaneously. This shows them unlimited ability Multidimensional Consciousness. There is no limit to your expression either, nor there is no limit for your service. What can limit the Eternal? What can be a barrier to love without beginning or end?
Thus, I have committed to the contemplation of My Sacred Heart of Fire, in the same way that I have called the state of Bodhisattva, and I have gifted flowers in every encounter, every message.
My well-beloved children, I am in this moment Ibez, my Kingdom of Fire. From Ibez, in a physical body I talk to you in words that are made of Fire Letters, From Ibez, I reagent each of my faces and put them in full expression and action in the world, so that all voices are heard, that all hearts are fanned in My Fire, to all minds, that the human mind can then find rest in Me, who am the Eternal Divine Nature, the world soul.
You are my Suns. Suns Salve!
Mary Queen of Peace.
Posted by Agnimitra:  htt :/ /
In: EN

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Invitation to Priesthood MOTHER OF FIRE by Agnimitra

Today is a special day. Today all human beings are invited to the priesthood. The priesthood is the outward expression of the service, the priesthood is to be upright and allow the expression of Divine Light ...

From the First Kingdom I speak to my children, on the face of this planet. Over all, I pour my Blessings, all wrapped up in my mantle of healing and Love 
Beloved sons and daughters, Peace is not an ideal, peace is not a distant idea, imagined by the mind, by the desire to a perfect world. La Paz is living in the core of the soul, live in peace within. 
Today is a special day. Today all human beings are invited to the priesthood. The priesthood is the outward expression of the service, the priesthood is to be upright and allow the expression of the Divine Light. The priesthood is the Self and delivery care to the world. The priesthood is an intense aspiration to the Sacred Heart of Fire. The priesthood is service without interest, without goals. The priesthood is something that all my sons and daughters are invited from today. 
Not the priesthood of the law, not the priesthood of external forms, not the priesthood of the concepts, religions, philosophies, but the Pure Consciousness priesthood, the priesthood of Love, the priesthood of Being 
This priesthood to which they are invited, is a position in this world of changing forms and passing. It is a delivery position is a position of constant aperture Fire. An opening reception allows not only aware of this fire, but his expression. 
Join the Sacred Fire of My Heart. Dense count of your own unit. There is no real separation, no real distance. There there, just a thin veil, there is just a sense that arises from the location of a body. Realize, of our unity, realize that you are the Fire of My Sacred Heart. Introduce in the Fire, beloved sons and daughters, immerse yourself in this fire.Realize your oneness with this Fire. From there, you are able to see the beauty that pressed behind each form, experience the beauty that is hidden and momentarily revealing. This beauty will be clear before the eyes, same physical eye. Is this priesthood which you are invited, the priesthood of the Fire of My Sacred Heart. This is love, love beyond words, love unlimited, free love, love heals, love that heals all forgotten and all ignorance. 
's words are unable to convey a sense of this priesthood, but for all of you who live the consecration of My Body The priesthood is service, the only purpose of the incarnation. 
accept me, Mother of Fire, as I will take refuge. Be in Me as I am in you. Invite me to the home of his inner enclosure. Convídenme to Bonfire, at its heart is this Bonfire. You will discover then, that I am the Bonfire itself, the very Heart. Each heart today, I grant an ember unquenchable. A coal that will be for many the only memory of this experience oblivion. Today is a day of joy, today is a holiday, because perfection sing and dance the song of our love. I bless you and I welcome these words. Fire is our home, the Fire is our Essence, Fire is our only reality. 

In:  IN

Saturday, June 29, 2013

June 27, 2013 AA. Anael through Agnimitra

Archangel Anael

June 27, 2013 (by Agnimitra)

The sword of the Bodhisattva

Greetings sons of Eternity, UNO children, I am the Archangel Anael. My radiation strikes between you as Ambassador Round 12 Archangels of the Living Light. This Round accompanying the solar system as dimensional translation in its reversal and their integration to the Confederation of Free Worlds. My Radiation is the resonance and Attraction, Love my Radiation is inclusive and Planetary Center Isinlah. My Radiation today meets all the sons of the Earth, all souls incarnated or not, under the same flag and the same blazon, my Live Fire sword, my sword inclusive love. Blessings and Peace to you on this world. Espouse the effusions of the 12 Archangels in you, in your hearts, in your soul, in your light bodies. Following the 12 Wheels, following the twelve Faces, Planetary Spirit, my brothers their host, my Brothers merge in you.
...  Uriel ...
...  Miguel ...
...  Metatron ...
...  Rafael ...
...  Jofiel ...
...  Anael ...
...  Gabriel ...
...  Ksodiel ...
...  Taermael ...
...  Imeruel ...
...  Nisael ...
...  Alariel ...
Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebaioth!
To all guests today Bodhisattvas Divine Mother, I will make a useful.
Each of the Bodhisattvas, which today have been attentive to the invitation and the call of the Divine Mother, I surrender my Sword of Fire. This sword not used for war, since that's happened. This sword, not use it to defend themselves, and no more of that defense.This sword is the grant for each day of enfilarla remember to strike down your belly and so the latter portions of this physiological entity, which remains under the veil of illusion and ignorance that prevents them from seeing the New World, the true life. Do not think, my brethren, that this sword maim or destroy this physiological entity. No, this is a stroke of Love, is a stroke of Mercy, is a definitive blow Sacredization. My Sword of Fire Radiation vibrates in pink, My Sword of Fire Radiation vibrates Venus, well, this Sword is a Sword of Fire of Love inclusive, this sword is the only weapon carried by a Buddha of Compassion: the souls made which are to help your brothers and sisters, until the last portion of this world will be touched by the Fire of Liberation.
This shows them brethren, all accompanying them is granted today, all our love, all our support is given them these days. It is urgent that your attention will turn to the Sacred Heart of Fire. It is urgent and imperative, not for you, but for the world, to remain in silence and serenity. It is imperative and urgent for this world, which is now dissolved by Metatron-Alariel fire, that you are open to the experience of your multidimensional reality.The portals are open. Millions of millions of hands will tend to you, giving them strength and encouraging them to give the second step in the Solar Consciousness.
...  Uriel ...
...  Miguel ...
...  Metatron ...
...  Rafael ...
...  Jofiel ...
...  Anael ...
...  Gabriel ...
...  Ksodiel ...
...  Taermael ...
Imeruel ... ...
Nisael ... ...
Alariel ... ...
 Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebaioth!
In my Radiation enfold, and I leave this blessing on this day. There is no distance between us, no separation. In this radiation, we live the fullness of our unit. Be blessed and be a blessing to the world. I am the Archangel Anael and I give this Sword of Fire Rose of Love inclusive.
Message received and transmitted by the Collective Agnimitra the children of the Law of One
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