Anti-Semitism and our Rabbi Yeshua

“Believing in Yeshua does not produce anti-Semitism. It may have been the convenient scapegoat for some, perhaps for many. For prejudice runs deep in the core of men’s experience. But belief in Yeshua the Messiah is not the cause of anti-Semitism. In fact, one Jewish source claims that modern anti-Semitism is not religiously motivated at all, "Modern anti-Semitism is thus built on racial, not religious foundations and the adoption of the prevailing faith no longer provides an escape route for persecuted Jews."
- Anti-Semite: "All the world’s troubles come from the Jews"
- Average Joe: "Oh really, from the Jews??!"
- Anti-Semite: "You know they have all the money in the world"
- Average Joe: "All of it? Seems to me that Bill Gates and Donald Trump have some, not to mention the Saudi Royal Family"
- Anti-Semite: "They’re taking over the government too"
- Average Joe: "I can’t seem to remember any Jewish Presidents"
- Anti-Semite: "Besides, they’re not pure Americans anyway"
- Average Joe: "My ancestors are from Italy, where are yours from?
- Anti-Semite: "Never Mind! Like I said, our troubles are from the Jews"
- Average Joe: "OK, from the Jews,… and the Bicycle riders"
- Anti-Semite: "Why the Bicycle riders??"
- Average Joe: "Why the Jews?!!"
For a professing believers to side with the anti-Semite is to side not only against the Jewish followers of the Jewish Messiah who penned the Besora Tova HaGeula (Good News of Redemption), but it also invites the sternest judgment from the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. To court God’s judgment doesn’t seem very rational or logical. But then foolishly blaming all of our troubles on the bicycle riders doesn’t either!
First, anti-Semitism is totally inconsistent with the stated attitude of Yeshua toward the Jewish people. To believe that our Rabbi Yeshua is the Messiah and then not reflect His attitude toward the Jewish people is the height of hypocrisy, let alone a fallacious inconsistency.
Yeshua was born a Jew, He lived as a Jew, and He died a Jew,… He lived in the midst of His Jewish people and He loved them with a love unparalleled in the annals of Jewish history. Those guilty of such an attitude show by their fruits that they don’t follow Yeshua the Messiah at all.” You cannot claim to have the King of the Jews in your heart and also hate the Jewish people? Absurd!

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